Getting Started: General Maintenance User Actions


Creating a Task

  1.  From the login portal, select “Maintenance” and log in. 
  2. This will take you to the maintenance “Dashboard” page.
  3.  In the left-hand menu, click “Tasks” (3rd  option from the top).
    •  This action will take you to the “Tasks” page
  4. From this page, select the “Create Task” button in the upper left-hand corner under the “Task” title. 
    •  This action will launch a “Create Task” form. 
  5. Fill out the form with the task’s “Location, Organization, Request Type, Priority Level, Subject, Description, Start date, Recurring?, Relevant Documents, and Public Status.”
  6. Click “Save Task”
    • This action will now allow you to view and update the task and allows your manager to assign it to other users. 

Updating a Task

  1. From the login portal, select “Management” and log in. 
  2. This will take you to the management “Dashboard” page.
  3. In the left-hand menu, click “Tasks” (3rd  option from the top).
    • This action will take you to the “Tasks” page
  4. From this page, select the task you’d like to update.  
    • This action will launch the “task” form specific to that task. 
  5. Click “Update” in the upper right-hand corner. 
  6. Update the date and hours worked, hourly rate, material cost, description of the update, and any new, relevant documents. 
  7. Click “Save Task”
    • This action will now allow everyone with permission to view the task update.
  8. To complete the task, follow the steps above and select “Complete Task instead of “Save Task.”
    • This action will notify those involved with the task that it is now complete.